2018年11月3日 星期六


不定代名詞 Indefinite Pronouns.1
2*可做代名詞或形容詞者:some, any, both, either, neither, all, one, each, another, other, many, much, few, little, the same, enough, several, more, most…
none, nobody, nothing, someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything…
3基本句型:不定代名詞+of + the+複數名詞    /受格
                               不可數名詞  /受格
          受格us, you, them, it…
*單數:one, each, each one, every one, everyone, any, either, neither
one    用於兩者以上
each   可當形容詞 代名詞  用於兩者以上  注重個別
every  只當形容詞         用於三者以上  注重團體
  every one 人或物           everyone只有人
  any     三者以上任何一個
either  兩者任一
neither 兩者任一皆不
         (half, part, 分數→單數  複數皆可用)
*複數:both, two, three, all, several, many, few, most, some
   both只有兩者             two兩者以上用
all   三者以上用
   both, all, many, most…+not是部分否定
*不可數:none(n)沒人 沒物(三者以上皆無),單複數皆可
 some, little, much, most, all
1有或沒有of the的差別(有 無特定)
 All of the boys are good.  有特定 /  All boys are good.        
 Any of the boys is good.   有特定/  Any boy is good.
Either of the boys is good. 有特定/  Either boy is good.
most of the money         有特定/most money
☆這種用法可放在主詞 補語 受詞
當主詞:Both of my parents love me.       父母親不要用two(三者以上)
當補語:I am one of them.
當受格:Can I choose one of the books?
2*half, part, 分數用於此句型當主詞,動詞的單複數由of後面的名詞決定
  part (n)
 Which part of Taiwan do you come from?
 Only part of an iceberg is above the water.
  Parts of the book are good.
(a ) part of 表示一部分時,後面接單數名詞,動詞用單數。
                                  複數名詞        複數
  Part of the problem is money.
Part of the students live in Tainan.
part of之前有形容詞才用a          A large part of the money was stolen.
Part one ends with his party. 第一集 部分
[U] You should do your part.  任務
Everybody took part in the game.     參加
(v)分離 放棄He parted with his old hat.
 half (n) halves
  I bought a kilo and a half of sugar.   超過一 即複數
          one and a half kilos of sugar
  Half of ten is five.  Half of the money is yours.
  Half of the students are tall.
  It’s half past/after  five.              5:30
  Don’t do things by halves.               不要半途而廢
I cut the apple in half.                  一半
(a)Half a loaf is better than no bread. 聊勝於無

   1/2 a half, one half 1/3a third, one third  1/4 one fourth, a quarter
   3/4 three fourths, 3 quarters  
   2 7/8  two and seven eighth     300/450  300 over/by 450th

bothall ***
all of the boys      all the boys    all boys   
both of the boys    both the boys  both boys

1在名詞前 代名詞後All the books are new.  They all love me. I like them all.
2be, 一般動詞前 We are all there.       We all are tall.
3所有格 指示形容詞 定冠詞       Both my hands are clean.
All these pens are old.               Both the teachers are young.
4在此句型 All of the boys are not tall.  ***並非所有的這些男孩都不

some一些, any任何
some 用於肯定句,any用於疑問句 否定句 條件句
some (a)He has some money.       +不可數名詞
I need some eggs.          +複數名詞
Would you like some tea?      疑問句(期待肯定的答案)
some day 未來有一天 some other day 改天 some time 一段時間
(pron) I need some.    I know some of you.
any (a)任何 任何一個  可用於肯定句 (常用於 肯定句的主詞)
any+單數名詞    不可數名詞
  Any boy can do it.    Come any time.
What book do you like?  Any will do.3個以上任一)都行
否定句He doesn’t do any homework. any可接複數名詞或不可數名詞
 疑問句Do you have any friend?
條件句If you see any good book, buy it for me.
(pron)I don’t know any of your classmates. 3個以上任一
(adv) He is not any better.  比較級   I don’t want any more.
  not a , not any = no     / not anybody = nobody

someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything 用法差不多
everyone, everybody, everything, nobody, nothing形容詞放後面
It is nothing but a joke. 只是
have something/ nothing to do with和有關 /無關
for nothing 免費, somebody重要人物,  nobody無名小卒
something, everything重要的事, nothing不重要
either, neither, both
either (pron)
肯定句  兩者(a) Sit on either side. 接單數名詞
 Which would you like better, coffee or tea?  Either will do.都好(2)
                         coffee, tea, or juice? Any will do.     (3)
 兩者Either of the boys is smart.
否定句  兩者皆不I don’t know either.
 疑問句  兩者任一Do you see either of the boys?
 (pron)    不是  就是Either you or  he has to go. 
 (adv) I am not, either.
neither (adv) 也不(用於否定句之後,構成另一個否定句)
I can’t swim, and neither can Terry.
                  Terry can’t, either.
I am not tall.    Neither is Harry.
Neither Terry nor I am tall. 連接主詞時,動詞的單複數與緊鄰的主詞一致
  Fanny can speak neither Chinese nor English.
   不是A  也不是B     (A B為相同詞性的字 片語等)
(a)    兩者任一皆不(接單數名詞Neither brother is tall.
(pron) 兩者任一皆不 Neither of your answers is right.
     Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?
     Neither, please.
 nor (conj) 也不
Neither you nor she looks tired.
  I am not going, nor is Jane.
  AI don’t like it.  BNor do I.
both (a)  放在the, these, those, 和所有格 的前面
 Both (the) men are tall.
 (pron) Both of them will come.
 They both came late.    作主詞的同位語
 I need them both.       作受詞的同位語(both of them)
 (adv) Both he and she are nice.    both A and B
 Both he and she are not nice.     bothnot連用,是部分否定
 She needs both money and water.  He is both tall and thin.
 放在be後, 一般動詞前
比較I held a pen in both of my hands.雙手握一枝筆
either           一手握一枝筆 (兩枝筆)
There are trees on both sides of the river.兩岸都有樹
                  either side
any , none, all
any  3者以上任一You may take any of the three.
none 3者以上無一None of them has/ have come back.
                 Is there any water? No, there is none.
all   3者以上全部                   both的位置同
all (a) all+  單數名詞                      整個
all my life 一輩子 all morning 整個早上 all day 整天 
all + 不可數名詞  all my money所有的
   all + 複數名詞 All my friends are nice.  (所有)
He is all ears.  很注意聽
         All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
光工作 不會玩 使小孩變遲鈍
(pron) All that glitters is not gold.凡事不可光看表面
   All you have to do is study hard. 你所要做的就是用功讀書
   That’s all.   就此而已
(n)畢竟 after all 遍及 all over the world all right 一點也不not at all
Thanks.  Not at all. 不客氣 above all最重要的是

each , every
 (a)Each one of us is tall. / Every one of us is tall. 
   Each of us is tall.  (pron.)
She smiled each time she meet me. 
Each boy and each girl is nice.
(pron.) Each of us is tall.      You will each get one.
They each have beautiful daughters.
(adv) I gave them an apple each.
 The tickets cost 100 dollars each.
  a.  / pron.
  We love each other.不當主詞 (兩人)
one another(三人以上)
every(a) Every man cannot be an artist. 並非 每一
 every day (morning, week, month, year, Monday, weekend)前不加介系詞
 every other day 每隔一週天 every five days 每隔五天
1one作主詞,後面的代名詞用one, one’s, oneself。但美語中用he, him, his, himself
  One must obey one’s / his parents..
2any one, some one, each one, every one, no one, one of +複數名詞時,後面的代名詞用he / she, him/ her, his/her, himself / herself
Every one did his best.
No one knows what his future will be.
One of the girls left her book in the bus.
one代替前面提過的單數可數名詞,前面可用a(n)+形容詞, the, this, that, which, any, some, each, every…/ +形容詞。//在序數後面不用one
  I lost my pen. I have to buy one/ a new one.
  Here are three hats. Which one is yours? This one, or that one, or the one on the desk?
  These buses go to Taipei, but those ones go to Tainan.
  *Which car do you like?     The one with 5 doors.
   Who are you talking about? The one with long hair.
another, other
another+ 單數名詞      (a)
 (a)另一  再一   加單數名詞    用於三個以上或不確定數目
 Would you like another cup of tea?    再喝一杯(不知道要喝幾杯)
 One man’s meat is another man’s poison.對甲有利的不一定對乙有利
 (pron) I don’t like this one.  Show me another.給我看另一個
 To know is one thing; to teach is another.  知是一回事 , 教又是另一回事
 We always help each other/ one another.互相幫忙 
(兩人)     (三人以上)
 I have three pens. One is red; another is blue; the other is black.
                             另一            另一
     another day改天
other (a) 用於兩者(1-11-多,多-多)
I hold a book in one hand and a pen in the other hand.
no, any, some, one, the + other+ 單數名詞
some other day改天 the other day前幾天(1)
I like to help other people. (others)       other+複數名詞
(pron) One boy is tall, but the other is short.
Some boys are tall, but others are short.
Do to others as you would be done by.  己所欲,施於人
each other用於兩者 不可當主詞    前面的介系詞以動詞而定
all, most, half, part, some, a lot, lots, 分數…+of +可數複數名詞  用複數動詞
可數單數名詞  用單數動詞
不可數名詞    用單數動詞
a (good, great, large) number of+複數名詞  用複數動詞   (許多)
A number of students were over there yesterday.

the number of +複數名詞  用單數動詞   (數目)
The number of students in my class is over 30.

