2018年11月5日 星期一


I know who she is.                 當受詞
This is where he lives.              當補語
Where he lives is important to me.  當主詞
1 be動詞放回 主詞 後:
    I don’t know what time it is.
    Tell me who she is.
    He knows how many people there are in my family.
    Ask him who the man in green pants  is.   形容詞片語  請勿與所修飾名詞分開
    I know who the boy sitting over there  is.  形容詞片語  請勿與所修飾名詞分開
2 a.無意義的助動詞(do, does, did去掉,並注意動詞的適當變化
    We don’t know where they live.     (Where do they live? )
Do you know what John wants?    What does John want?
    I’d like to know where Mary went. Where did Mary go?
    Tell me how it happened.          How did it happen?
 b.否定時(don’t, doesn’t, didn’t),則放回主詞後
    He knows what she doesn’t like.     What doesn’t she like?
    I’ll tell you who I don’t love.        Who don’t I love?
3有意義的助動詞(can, will, shall, may, could, would, should,
might, have, has…),放回主詞後
    Don’t ask me what I can’t say.       What can’t I say?
    Do you know when she will come?   When will she come?
    He knows why you should leave so early.
Why should you leave so early?
4疑問詞當 主詞  時,照抄。
    I know what happened to him.
    I know what is happening in the house.
    I know who did it.
    I know who locked the door.
    I know which team won the game.
    I know what is wrong.
    I know what is the matter with you.
I ask him             whether he is coming.
I wasn’t sure         whether you’d like it.
I wonder             whether we should invite her or not.
I can’t make up my mind whether to tell her the true.
I am not interested in whether you like me or not.
Whether he will come is important. It is important whether he will come.
*通常if可代換whether if當然不用or not
接在ask, see, try, wonder, know…之後的if引導名詞子句,當「是否」。
   I asked him if =whetherhe would go with me.
   I wonder   if =whetherit will rain tomorrow.
S   V      O if引導名詞子句,時式以原時式即可)
The question is whether to go or stay.
She doesn’t know whether to get married now or not.
It depends on whether you’re ready or not.
I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll go back home.
I can answer you the question whether he is ready.
Whether we need it is a different matter.
5句中有or not
It doesn’t matter whether she will come or not.
6 whether子句當補語時
The problem is whether we need it.

Let me know whether you are coming. 告訴我你來不來
        v     o  名詞子句
Let me know if you are coming.       如果你要來告訴我

I don’t know whether he will come or not.
            whether or not he will come.
We discussed whether we should close the store.
You’ll have to pay whether you want to or not.
*if whether 也可以引導副詞子句,但要注意未來式。
    We will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.(如果明天下雨,我們會留在家。)
*whether 引導副詞子句
I am going to go, whether you like it or not.
Whether you do it now or later, it’s got to be done something.
Whether he comes or not, the result will be the same.
Whether you go to your place or stay home, we have still got to find something to eat.

