2018年11月5日 星期一


(1) 作主詞
      What children need is their parents’ love and care.小孩要的是父母的愛與關懷。)
       主詞           單數動詞
說明1.此處的 what 為關係代名詞,並不是疑問詞。
(2) 作補語
I have no idea who put these flowers on your desk.(我不知道是誰放這些花在你的書桌上。)
說明1.名詞子句為no idea的受詞補語,作 idea 同位語。
2. 名詞子句 who put these flowers 中,who 疑問詞兼主詞
(3) 作受詞
      Do you know what time it is?(你知道現在幾點了嗎?)
**不論哪一種疑問句,變成名詞子句時都要把疑問結構 “What time is it?” 變為敘述結構 “What time it is

*二、 what / who 主詞的名詞子句
    I don’t know what is in the box.         I have no idea who’s in the restroom.
         主要子句    名詞子句                  主要子句        名詞子句
 Iris isn’t sure who will come tonight.   We don’t know what is in that box.

* 名詞子句,等同名詞的功能,用來作為動詞或介系詞的受詞。若名詞子句是由疑問詞為首,則又稱作間接問句
*間接問句可分為三種,一是 what / who 作主詞的名詞子句,二是 what /who 作受詞的名詞子句,三是疑問副詞 how / when / where / why 所引導的名詞子句。
* what / who 在間接問句中作主詞時,間接問句等同原問句,只要將原問句直接搬到主要子句的動詞後面即可。

1. Do you know? What is on my car?           Do you know                
2. Just let me know. What is needed?        Just let me know                
3. Nick knows. Who will phone you later?       Nick knows            
4. Please tell Saphire. What is good to eat?    Please tell Saphire             
5. We got to know. What happened to you? →  We got to know            
6. Can you be sure? Who isn’t in the room? →  Can you be sure    
* what / who 受詞的名詞子句
Do you know what David ate for lunch? 名詞子句
*原問句為 what did David eat for lunch,當它放在動詞 know 後面當名詞子句時,就必須改成間接問句刪掉助動詞 did,將動詞 eat 改成過去式 ate
Kelly’s parents want to know who Kelly will go out with tonight.
*原問句為who will Kelly go out with tonight,當它放在動詞 know 後面時,就必須將助動詞 will 移到主詞 Kelly 之後

*Who & What 引導的疑問詞子句(當受詞時)
Jane isn’t sure who she will see in the meeting.  Ben remembers what his father said.
    主要子句      疑問詞子句                          主要子句         疑問詞子句
* what / who 在間接引述句中作受詞時,間接問句與原問句的句構就不一樣:
 原問句句構: 疑問詞+be 動詞+主詞...?
 間接問句: 疑問詞+主詞+be 動詞....
 *助動詞是do, does, did要去掉, 動詞須根據句子的時態而變化助動詞是can, could, will,would, shall, should, must, may, might, used to要留下。

1.      Can you tell me? What time is it?                 → Can you tell me                 
2.      I am sure. Who will you phone later?      → I am sure               
3.      Lance found out. Who is his best friend?     → Lance found out           
4.      Does Dennis ask? Who did you go out with? → Does Dennis ask          
5.      You must forget. What have you done to me?→ You must forget
6.    Carol knows. What is Cindy talking about?→ Carol knows   

*疑問副詞 how / when / where / why 所引導的名詞子句
*由疑問副詞 how / when / where / why 所引導的名詞子句(間接問句),須將疑問副詞之後的文字改為「直述句」的型態
 (1)疑問詞+主詞+be C. 疑問詞+主詞+動詞.疑問詞+主詞(+助動詞)+動詞....
Just tell me when we will meet tomorrow. 名詞子句
I’m not sure why Tina was so angry this morning. 名詞子句
Mary doesn’t know where her dog is.   Jill asks how she can answer this question.
主要子句            疑問詞子句        主要子句         疑問詞子句
 Ruby is wondering why her car is gone.  Nancy knows when her husband will get angry.
主要子句            疑問詞子句         主要子句        疑問詞子句                   
 1. Rita isn’t sure. When did Andy leave?                      Rita isn’t sure               
 2. I have no idea. Where does Lillian live?                   I have no idea            
 3. We want to know. Why did Mia hurt her hand?        We want to know
  1. wh- 名詞子句主詞主要子句的主詞是同一人時,名詞子句才可改為 wh-不定詞
2.wh 疑問詞:what/who/when/where/how/which 都可在後面加不定詞,但why 比較少見。
名詞子句:疑問詞 + 主詞 + 助動詞 + 原形動詞
wh-不定詞:疑問詞 + 主詞 + 助動詞 + 不定詞(to + 原形動詞)
*「疑問詞 to 動詞」代替原為「wh- 主詞 shouldcanhave to... +動詞」的句子,其先決條件是前後句的主詞或受詞相同才可將句子簡化。

例:I am not sure who I can ask for help?  I am not sure who to ask for help.
The little girl doesn’t know what to do.(那個小女孩不知道該怎麼辦。)
 主詞                  及物動詞    wh-不定詞
  *Tell me where to go.   Do you know how to do it?  I’m not sure what to write.

