2018年11月5日 星期一


名詞的種類:具體的concrete 普通名詞common noun   可數的 countable
集合名詞collective noun 可數的 countable
物質名詞 material noun  不可數的uncountable
專有名詞proper noun    不可數的uncountable
抽象的 abstract 抽象名詞abstract noun  不可數的uncountable

1普通名詞:同類的人、地、事、物所共用的名稱。如:boy, dog, book, city…

          單數普通名詞                   複數普通名詞
一般用法    前面要加冠詞a, an the        前面不需要冠詞
            A    cat is cute.           /    Cats are cute.
            The  cat is cute.

不定用法   前面要加不定冠詞a, an            前面需要冠詞         
            He has an apple.           /    They are students.

特定的用法 前面要加定冠詞the               前面要加定冠詞the
            The book on the desk is new. /   The books on the desk are old.

抽象用法   前面要加定冠詞the
            The pen is mightier than the sword. /    X
修飾用法  做形容詞用
            a bus station  a police officer      /    X

   A train   is fast.
   The train is fast.
   Trains   are fast.

2集合名詞 同類的人、事、物所組成的集合體。
如:class, crowd, family, people, police, public, team, hair
1         There are 90 classes in our school.
班上的同學This class are singing songs.
2家庭       There are a few families in this village.
全家人     My family are all well.
3        Many people are waiting in line.
民族      The Chinese are an industrious people.
4警察      The police are busy there.
5頭髮      His hair is long.    He has two gray hairs.
      the crowd 群眾/ the public眾人
3物質名詞:沒有一定形態的物質名稱。是不可數名詞Give him some food.
a食品 飲料
  food, meat, fish, rice, bread, butter, fruit, sugar, salt, milk, tea, coffee, wine, water, chicken, beef, pork, medicine
b材料          glass, grass, paper, chalk, gold, money, soap
c液體 氣體   air, gas, water, oil, rain, snow, rain, ice, wind, fire, smoke

  a bag of rice                       a bowl of rice
a cup of tea                        a box of butter
  two glasses of milk                  a cake of soap
  a sheet / piece of paper             a body of water
  a piece of chalk/ news               a pound of sugar
  a loaf of bread                      a yard of cloth
  a bottle of wine                     a liter of gas
4專有名詞:表特定的 物所專用的名詞
人名 地名 書名 機構名 星期 節日 國名 天體名
7大型建築物(飯店 戲院 動物園)8國家全名
5抽象名詞: 無形狀,表示性質,動作,狀態,學科,疾病等。
  age, art, love, history, hope, beauty, work, time, music…
不可數名詞泛指全部時,不加the        I like music/ coke.
1球類/ 遊戲    play baseball    play chess下棋
2by+交通工具   by bus/ car/ train…
3三餐          eat breakfast
4片語          go to school/ bed / church/ class/ work/ hospital
                 at school/ work
                 in class/ bed/ hospital
  a pair of glasses/ pants/ shorts/ chopsticks

  1名詞+s:  books, cats
  2字尾是s, z, x, sh, ch  +es :
glasses, classes, boxes, buses, watches, coaches
  3子音+y, y, +ies:
babies, flies, cities, ladies
  4子音+o, +es: heroes, potatoes, tomatoes,  例外  photos/pianos
母音+o, +s : radios, zoos
5字尾是f, fe,  f, fe, +ves:
wives, halves一半, leaves葉子, shelves書架, thieves小偷, lives生命

1 ox-oxen; child children; foot-feet; tooth-teeth;
mouse-mice; man-men; woman-women
2 單複數同形deer, fish, sheep, Chinese, Japanese

1單數名詞的字尾為無聲子音 [p],[k],[t],[f] 時,發/s/
3單數名詞的字尾為[s],[z],[ ʃ ],[ ], [ ]等音時,發/ ɪ z/
  例外house  /s/  houses  /z ɪ z/
 month  / mʌnθ/   months  / mʌnθs/  
mouth  / maʊθ/  mouths  / m ð z/   雙母音

a bag of rice, flour          一袋米 麵粉
a body of water             一片汪洋
a bottle of water, wine, beer 一瓶水 啤酒
a bowl of rice               一碗飯
a box of butter             一盒奶油
a cake of soap              一塊肥皂
a cup of tea, coffee         一杯茶 咖啡   
a liter of gas               一公升汽油
a loaf of bread             一條麵包        
two loaves of bread
a glass of milk, wine, water  一杯牛奶  
a piece of chalk, meat, paper, bread, news, information, advice
一支粉筆 一片肉 一張紙 一片麵包 一則消息 一份資訊 一個忠告
a pound of sugar                   一磅糖
a yard of cloth                    一碼布
(a pair of gloves, shorts, jeans, socks, glasses, pants, chopsticks )
一雙手套 短褲   牛仔褲 短襪   眼鏡    長褲  筷子

